As the month reaches its halfway point, more and more of the world is being hit by the realization that the big Christmas holiday is just around the corner--and there are still gifts to be gotten! Well, the same is true for Edge Engine, and so this week we have a pair of updates for your seasonal programming pleasure.
First, Edge VN has reached version 1.5.1 with a new update containing a handful of minor bug fixes and two not-so-minor additions to the dialog options system. First, it is now possible to run multiple consecutive dialog options in a single text block, including re-using IDs. Second, selected dialog options have been given a slight delay, which gives the user a chance to recognize that their choice has been acknowledged and the developer a chance to show off a bit more GUI flair! As always, details are in the included documentation, which can also be read online, here.
Second, the experimental Edge FMV player has been given a new feature: the ability to endlessly and seamlessly loop videos! A single true/false switch is all it takes to get the job done, so grab the update and read all about it! Please bear in mind that even after the update this asset is completely experimental and is not intended as a substitute for media player extensions where they are available.
Happy holidays and merry Christmas from Edge Engine and ThinkBoxly! It's been an incredible first year, and here's to many more exciting things to come!
UPDATE: Please welcome a third update to the mix, Edge Display Scaler 1.5.3! This new version is all about view following, with fixes to ensure all scripts work independent of view position, and also a new auto zoom feature to minimize view differences between different resolutions. Read all about it, or download the latest version for yourself!